1. Process Synthesis and Design.

1. Process Synthesis and Design.

Process Synthesis and design are both an essential part of process development, which aim toward the generation of feasible flowsheet variants and their optimization with respect to specific objectives. These objectives are mostly related to economics, but also take...

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2.- Optimization Process

2.- Optimization Process

Research in the formulation, solution and analysis of mathematical programs has grown tremendously over the last 25 years. In 1980, optimization on engineering problems beyond linear programming were often viewed as a curious novelty without much benefit. Now,...

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3. Process Intensification

3. Process Intensification

Process Intensification (PI) aims to drastically reduce energy consumption and processing cost of chemical processes by utilizing the synergy between multifunctional phenomena at different times, spatial scales, by enhacing mass, heat and momentum transfer rates....

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4. Biofuels

4. Biofuels

In an effort to reduce CO2 emmision, transport has become the most resilient sector due to its strong dependence on fossil energy sources. Oil, being the main energy source for transport, supplies 95% of the sector´s energy consumption and it is expected to reach...

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5.- Bio based Chemical Blocks

5.- Bio based Chemical Blocks

The production of bio-based chemicals is not new. Current global bio-based chemicals are estimated to be around 50 million tons. From a technical point of view, almost all industrial materials made from fossil resources can be substituted by their bio-based...

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7. Control Process

7. Control Process

The economic nature of many products manufactured in batch and continuous processes require highly efficient operation due to thin margins. The competing factor in process control is that products must meet certain specifications in order for them to be acceptable....

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