Leading Professors of the Research Group

Dr. Juan Gabriel Segovia Hernández
Titular Professor National System of Researchers Level 3 (National Council for Science and Technology México). Full Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and the Mexican Academy of Engineering. Former National President of the Mexican Academy of Chemical Engineering. Executive Editor at “Chemical Engineering and Processing Process Intensification Journal” (Elsevier). Associate Editor at “Chemical Engineering Research and Design Journal” (Elsevier). Ranked among the “The World’s Top 2% Scientist” in Chemical Engineering. Ranking compiled by Stanford University and Elsevier. October 2023.
Building B, second floor, Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Guanajuato, Noria Alta s/n, Guanajuato, Gto., 36050, México. email: gsegovia@ugto.mx, Tel: +(52) 4737320006 x 1403
Biosketch: www.segovia-hernandez.com

Dr. Eduardo Sánchez Ramírez
Associate Professor National System of Researchers Level 1 (National Council for Science and Technology México). Early Career Advisory Board at “Chemical Engineering and Processing Process Intensification Journal” (Elsevier).
Building B, second floor, Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Guanajuato, Noria Alta s/n, Guanajuato, Gto., 36050, México. email: eduardo.sanchez@ugto.mx. Tel: +(52) 4737320006 x 1403.

Dr. Ana Gabriela Romero García

Dr. Cesar Ramirez Márquez

Dr. Gabriel Contreras Zarzúa

Postdoctoral Research Scholars

Dra. Martha Patricia Calderón Alvarado

Dr. Jesús Manuel Niñez López

Dr. Heriberto Alcocer García

Dr. Maricruz Juarez García
Young Researcher Invited Abroad

Dr. Zong Yang Kong

Doctoral Students

Cáceres Barrera Carlos

Master’s Students

Ángel Eduardo García Hernández

Laura Lucia Moreno Jalhk

Former Bachelor’s Students:
- Ibarra Sánchez José de Jesús. 2009.
- Sánchez Ramírez Eduardo. 2010.
- Quiroz Ramírez Juan José. 2010.
- Medina Leaños Raudel. 2010.
- Torres Ortega Carlo Edgar. 2011.
- Huerta Rosas Brenda. 2011.
- Ojeda Gasca Andrea. 2011.
- Ocampo Vargas José Omar. 2011.
- Álvarez Luna Rodrigo Daniel, 2012.
- Peña Martínez Mariana. 2013.
- Ramírez Márquez César. 2013.
- Hernández Rangel Rafael. 2013.
- Contreras Zarazúa Gabriel. 2014.
- Ramírez Caudillo José. 2014.
- Lucero Robles Evaristo. 2015.
- Sillas Delgado Hugo Alberto. 2015.
- Ramírez Villalón Apolinar Alejandro. 2015.
- Rojas Rivera Juan Pedro. 2015.
- Alcocer García Heriberto. 2016.
- Romero García Ana Gabriela. 2016.
- Ortiz Hernández Karina. 2016.
- Angelina Martínez Anyeli Yajaira. 2017.
- Vicente Cortazar Vicente. 2017.
- Jasso Villegas Miriam Esmeralda. 2018.
- Palma Barrera Juan Pablo. 2018.
- Vallejo Blancas David. 2019.
- Bravo García Jacqueline. 2019.
- Flores Cordero Ernesto 2020.
- Arreola Nájera Luz Gabriela, 2021.
- Amezquita Ortiz Jonathan Martín, 2021.
- García Hernández Ángel Eduardo, 2023.
- Rodarte de la Fuente Abraham, 2023.
- Santoyo Valdivia Tania Karina, 2023.
- Solìs Sánchez José Luis, 2023.
Former Master’s Students:
- Abad Zárate Erika Fabiola. 2005.
- Robles Zapiain Salvador. 2006.
- Rodríguez Flores Juan Pablo. 2006.
- Moreno Rodríguez Ernestina. 2007.
- Gómez Castro Fernando Israel. 2007.
- Ledezma Martínez Minerva. 2007.
- Vázquez Castillo José Antonio. 2009.
- Miranda Galindo Erick Yair. 2009.
- Venegas Sánchez Josué Addiel. 2009.
- Cortés González Jazmín. 2010.
- Gutiérrez Guerra Roberto. 2010.
- Murrieta Dueñas Rodolfo. 2010.
- Bravo Bravo Cristofer. 2010.
- Fernández Vargas Jorge Adán. 2011.
- Vázquez Ojeda María. 2011.
- Murillo Alvarado Pascual Eduardo. 2012.
- Mendoza Pedroza José de Jesús. 2012.
- Torres Ortega Carlo Edgar. 2013.
- Cornejo Jacob Jorge Luis. 2013.
- Ramírez Márquez César. 2016.
- Contreras Zarazúa Gabriel. 2016.
- Alcocer García Heriberto. 2018.
- Romero García Ana Gabriela. 2019.
- Navarrete González Cristina, 2020.
- Tinoco Sáenz Rodrigo, 2020.
- Rivas Interián Raúl Mauricio, 2021.
- Vallejo Blancas David, 2022.
- Flores Cordero Ernesto, 2023.
- Martínez Lomovskoi Adrián, 2023.
- Cáceres Barrera Carlos Rodrigo, 2023.
- Arreola Nájera Luz Gabriela, 2024.
Former Doctoral Students:
- Barroso Muñoz Fabricio Omar 2010.
- Gómez Castro Fernando Israel. 2010.
- Carrera Rodríguez Marcelino 2012.
- Jaime Leal José Enrique. 2012.
- Cossio Vargas Enrique. 2012.
- Miranda Galindo Erick Yair. 2013.
- Delgado Delgado Raúl. 2014.
- Gutiérrez Guerra Roberto. 2014.
- Rodríguez Ángeles Mario Alberto. 2014.
- Cabrera Ruiz Julián. 2015.
- Vázquez Castillo José Antonio. 2015.
- López Saucedo Edna Soraya. 2016.
- Mendoza Pedroza José de Jesús. 2017.
- Sánchez Ramírez Eduardo. 2017.
- Quiroz Ramírez Juan José. 2017.
- Cortés González Jazmín. 2017.
- Murrieta Dueñas Rodolfo. 2018.
Vázquez Ojeda María. 2018. - Ramírez Márquez César. 2020.
- Contreras Zarazúa Gabriel, 2020.
- Alcocer García Heriberto, 2022.
- Juárez García Maricruz, 2023.
- Romero García Ana Gabriela, 2024.