
Segovia – Hernández, J.G., Gómez – Castro, F.I., 2017, “Stochastic Process Optimization using Aspen® Plus”, CRC Press (ISBN 978-1498785105). Segovia – Hernández, J.G., Bonilla – Petriciolet, A., 2016, “Process Intensification in Chemical Engineering:...

Chapter Books

Gómez – Castro, F.I., Segovia – Hernández, J.G., Morales – Rodríguez, R., Conde – Mejía, C., 2023, “Advances and Challenges in the Production and Purification of Bioethanol Using Intensified Processes” en Bioethanol Fuel Production Processes. II...


Papers 2024 Liñán, D.A., Contreras – Zarazúa, G., Sánchez – Ramírez, E., Segovia – Hernández, J.G., Ricardez – Sandoval, L.A., 2024, A Hybrid Deterministic-Stochastic Algorithm for the Optimal Design of Process Flowsheets with Ordered...
1. Process Synthesis and Design.

1. Process Synthesis and Design.

Process Synthesis and design are both an essential part of process development, which aim toward the generation of feasible flowsheet variants and their optimization with respect to specific objectives. These objectives are mostly related to economics, but also take...
2.- Optimization Process

2.- Optimization Process

Research in the formulation, solution and analysis of mathematical programs has grown tremendously over the last 25 years. In 1980, optimization on engineering problems beyond linear programming were often viewed as a curious novelty without much benefit. Now,...